What is ETCETERA.386? ETCETERA.386 is a module which adds more functionality to EtCetera. In particular, ETCETERA.386 provides support for controlling DOS applications under Windows. For instance, the TYPE command is available, which permits sending keystrokes to full-screen DOS applications. Other commands allow you to view and modify the execution behavior and timing characteristics of running applications. It also provides for a "no-holds-barred" Windows shutdown, and even gracefully (and immediately) rebooting your PC. If you do not need any of this functionality, you probably do not need ETCETERA.386. Using ETCETERA.386 requires version 2.30 of EtCetera, which is currently available only via registration. When you order ETCETERA.386, you will automatically receive version 2.30. You must also be using a 386 or higher processor and be running Windows in 386 Enhanced mode. Full instructions on its use are included with your order.